A real popular tourist feature in Château-d'Oex, Le Chalet makes its “Le Chalet Bio” cheese over a wood fire, just like in a mountain chalet.
In the traditional costume, the cheese-maker transforms 160 to 200 liters of organic milk into hard cheese, producing a 16 to 20 kilo piece. “Le Chalet Bio” is then matured in a cellar for around 5 to 6 months before being ready for consumption.
Le Chalet Bio” cheese is a Pays-d'Enhaut, Produits Authentiques branded product, and in July 2014 was awarded the Label Produit du Parc.
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm or on reservation, Le Chalet offers you the experience of artisan cheese-making in the middle of its restaurant.
Le Chalet
Route de la Gare 2
Château-d'Oex, 1660
026 924 66 77